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Suitable for all aspects of ridden work, including competition use, the Woof Wear Pro Faux Sheepskin Overreach Boot is a stylish and functional boot offering superb protection against overreach injuries.
7mm neoprene base with additional 3mm insert to protect the bulbs of the heel
High quality faux sheepskin collar
Hard wearing carbon-effect outer
Double Lock strap for security
Recessed stitching for strength and durability
Undo the double locking straps and open the boot flat
Place around the foot with the top of the boot wrapping around the pastern
Place around the foot with the top of the boot wrapping around the pastern
Close the double locking straps together securely, ensuring that the neoprene meets and there is no gap between (you can overlap if necessary but check that the boot is not too large if this is the case).
Ensure you can fit your index finger between the top of the boot and the pastern
For competition use we recommend that you have approx. 1cm clearance between the bottom of the boot and the surface (with the horse stood on concrete)
For turnout use the boot can be longer and touch the ground if necessary so the back of the shoe is covered